
Home/Tyler Ezzi

About Tyler Ezzi

A 25 year veteran of the insurance industry, Tyler's goal is to find the best policy at the best value for every client, and to always provide customized coverage. His mission is simply to “do what is best for each individual client”.

Top 6 Auto Insurance Questions

In the state of Florida, it is not legal to operate an automobile without auto insurance coverage. Therefore, if you have a car and want to drive, you must have insurance.

Rear-End Collision Insurance

In a rear-end collision, the operator of the trailing car is typically presumed at fault . However, there are some situations in which the driver of the lead car may hold some comparative fault.

Home Safety Tips for Homeowners

Owning a home permits you to create your own comfortable haven, just the way you like it.  Understandably, you want to make sure that your home is as safe as possible for you and your family. There are many precautions you can take to make safety a reality for your house and property.  Whether you [...]